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Season's Greetings!

Maritza Van Allen

Dear Friend,

My hope for you during this holiday season is that whether you find yourself in a season of deep grief or a season of high glory that you will be able to see that God has been totally good and completely faithful to you. Most of life we find ourselves needing to keep the right perspective so we walk righteously and stay centered where God’s Word guides us. God has kept his promises to you!

In this season I am reminded that God sent Jesus, born of a virgin, to fulfill His promise. Jesus then lived the perfect life that you and I could not live and took the payment for our sin when He died on the cross. As promised, Jesus rose again and is seated at the right hand of God the Father interceding for you and me at this very moment. God has one promise that I am waiting for in great anticipation. Jesus will come again to take us home and to take His throne! As we wait for that glorious day, I pray that God will help you and me to stay faithful to Him. Here at Camp Kanesatake, it has been 99 years of faithfully proclaiming God’s Word and the good news of Jesus to the youth here in Central PA. Don’t forget that whatever season you are in that His mercies are new each morning and great is His faithfulness!

Thank you for your continued friendship, faithful prayers, and generous gifts that keep the light of the gospel shining here at Camp Kanesatake. May God richly bless you and keep you in perfect peace as you stand firm in His promises. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a faithful start to your New Year!

Resting in God’s promises,

Executive Director, Camp Kanesatake

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