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A Day in the Life of a Camper

  • 7:00 Rise and Shine!

  • 7:30 Clean your cabin

  • 8:00 Cabin Devotions

  • 8:30 Breakfast

  • 9:00 Morning Chapel

  • 10:00 Morning Activities (kickball, soccer, human foosball, archery, etc..)

  • 11:00 All Camp Morning Game or Electives

  • 12:00 Lunch

  • 1:00 Woozy or Nap time

  • 2:00-4:00 Pool Time & Free Time (laser tag, coffee shop, snack shop, giant swing, zipline, etc...)

  • 4:00 All Camp Afternoon Game

  • 5:00 Flag Lowering​

  • 5:30 Dinner

  • 6:30 Free Time & Clean Up

  • 7:30 Evening Chapel

  • 8:30 Campfire or Night Game

  • 9:30 Get Ready for Bed

  • 10:00 Lights out!

Care Packages 

You can pay for a care package through your online account. This cost is extra and not included in the total camp registration fee. 

Care Packages are $10.00.

A care package is a goody bag that the staff makes up for your camper. It usually has a drink and two treats. We deliver them to campers on Wednesday.


Digital Photo Album


Digital photo album is included with your camp registration fee. Your camper, you will receive access to an online digital photo gallery that contains pictures and a video from their week of camp. This online album will allow us to provide you with more pictures since there is no storage limit, and they are more conveniently accessible. You can't lose these pictures because they're always online (unlike a USB) and you can access them from any computer, phone, or tablet. You will receive an email with a link to the album and a password following the week of camp your camper attends. 

General Information

Arrival: Check-in is by alphabetical assignment beginning at 6:00 pm at pavilion at our lower entrance to camp. Parents will receive an email indicating your specific check-in time.


Departure: Check-out is 6:00-6:30pm, with a short program for Junior and Teen Campers. All departures take place at the Pavilion, including Mini Camps on Monday & Wednesday.


Camp Store and Coffee Shop: Our store carries a selection of camp clothing, mementos, snacks, and drinks. These items will be available for purchase throughout the week. Money can be deposited either during online signing up or at Sunday arrival check-in. Campers will be refunded their money at the last meal. Any money remaining in the camper's store account under $1.00 will be a camp donation. Many campers typically spend $40 a week.


Lost & Found: Items not claimed within 10 days will be disposed of or donated.


Camp Nurse & Medications: A nurse will be on duty at all times during the camp week. Special instructions will be given at check-in for those taking medications. Each camper will need permission to take certain over the counter (OTC) medications as distributed by the camp nurse. This form is online when you are registering. If a camper takes prescription medicine or other medications, the parents or guardian will also need to complete a medical form. These are also available online or at Sunday check-in.


Medical Checks: For the protection of campers, we are unable to retain campers with contagious conditions such as chicken pox or head lice. All campers need to be checked for lice prior to camp arrival, and only those who are "nit-free" will be allowed to stay. The Pre-Health Screening Form will need to be completed, which also includes the monitoring of your campers temperature for 7 days, prior to camp week session.


Cabin Mate & Cabin Assignment Policy: Campers are assigned to cabins by age group.


We can guarantee one cabin mate as long as it is mutually requested between campers. Each camper may use his or her registration form to request up to 2 names as possible cabin mates. You may only request up to 2 cabin mates. Cabin mate requests must be mutual and be within 2 years of age in order to guarantee your request.


We cannot guarantee your request if you select more than 2 cabin mates, nor can we guarantee requests if those you select do not select you or are linked to create a group of more than a total of 3 roommates. If a group of three friends attends together, we are able to accommodate them together in one cabin (provided they are close in age), however, groups of four or more cannot be accommodated and will be broken into smaller pairings.


Our philosophy behind this policy is that we want every camper to have a fun and life-changing week at camp. At Camp K, we want to encourage kids to make new friends and develop their social skills. We also want every camper to have a fun week at camp by spending their week with a friend and making new ones. This makes camp fun for everyone. We do everything we can to make a cabin full of different children become friends through a family atmosphere while not encouraging cliques and exclusiveness.


Special Dietary Needs & Allergies: Those campers with a special dietary need or allergy should bring their own necessary supplements that can be prepared in a microwave. Parent/guardian must provide a replacement meal if there is anything in the main course their child/teen cannot eat. A camp week menu can be sent to parent/guardian upon request. Call or email the camp office at least 2 weeks prior to your camper's camp week if you have questions or need more information about your camper's special dietary requirements. ( or 814.632.6024)


Late Arrivals & Early Departures: Campers are expected to stay the entire camp week except for sickness or an emergency at home. Please let the camp office know as soon as possible if your camper needs a special arrangement. ( or 814.632.6024)


Mid-Week Offering: Campers are given an opportunity to give an offering during an evening chapel which then goes toward the guest chapel speaker for that week. Offering can be given through campers store account. 


Are drop off & pick up days/times the same for all camps?: No, there are different drop off and pick up days & times depending on the specific camp session. 

  • Mini Camp drops off on Monday evening and is picked up on Wednesday evening.  

  • Junior Camps drop off on Monday evening and are picked up Friday evening, this helps the campers emotionally and physically and is based on their maturity level.

  • Teen Camps, CIT, and Adventure Camps drop off on Sunday evening and are picked up on Friday evening. 


Is there financial assistance available?

We desire for each child to get to experience camp. We do have scholarships or camperships available to families. Please contact the camp office to get the process started. ( or 814.632.6024)


What if my child is going into 7th grade in the fall?

If your child just graduated from 6th grade and is going into 7th grade in the next school year, then your child can go to either junior camp or teen camp. We make exceptions for this transitional year, and we trust that you know your child best!


Can my camper arrive late or leave early?

We highly recommend arriving at camp on time and staying to the very end as you get the complete and full camp experience by doing this. We evaluate each situation individually so please contact the Registrar to talk over details. ( or 814.632.6024)


My camper has an allergy to gluten?

We can send you the menu for the week of camp so you can send along gluten-free supplements for meals where there would be gluten. Your camper can keep their food in a special place in the camp fridge.


What do you mean by one-piece swimsuit for girls?

We are striving for modest swimwear. Please no two-piece swimsuits; however, a modest tankini is just fine.


Can my child wear a pull-up overnight?

In order for your child and other campers in their cabin to have the best possible camp experience, they must be completely potty trained to attend camp.


4976 Camp Kanesatake Lane

Spruce Creek, PA 16683

(814) 632-6024

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