Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)
We got to see God’s power at work this summer, and we are seeing His power at work through you making this possible.
Most Campers on Record
1,385 campers were impacted up to this point in our year with more to come in the fall retreats.
804 campers came to our 7 weeks of summer camp.
450 campers received help through our scholarship fund because of you.
47 kids and teens repented of their sin and believed in Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
304 kids and teens made spiritual decisions to turn from their sin and walk in a right relationship in obedience to God.

We see God’s power in allowing Camp Kanesatake to see its centennial anniversary in 2023. We estimate that in the 100 years of Camp K’s ministry in Central Pennsylvania that over 50,000 young men and women have experienced summer camp at the camp on the hill. We are so excited about the upcoming and new events that will be held during our 100th anniversary.
Exciting Events

Starting the year with an Open House and 5K Trail Run fundraiser open to the public and past campers
Golf Tournament fundraiser where we look to scholarship more kids than ever

Our 100th summer of camp featuring a Survivor theme.
Camp banquet held in the fall
Staff reunion for all past staff in the fall

God-Sized Goals
Have over 1,000 summer campers in 2023
Unveil our first major building project
Replace camp’s maintenance vehicle
Would you help us start our 100th anniversary with a gift to help us reach our goal for 2023? It costs $325 for a young boy or girl to attend summer camp. Would you sponsor one of our campers to make this dream become a reality?
In preparation for some of our major renovations, would you help us update our maintenance truck to help us transport products for updates to the facility and to keep the facility looking beautiful for the next summer and the next 100 years?
God has used you and your gifts to accomplish His will and grow His Kingdom. God will continue to use faithful followers that are willing to answer His call to reach people for the next century! Our hope is that this encourages you as you see God do abundantly above all that we could ask or think.
In Christ,
