We ran summer Camp in 2020! Camp K welcomed 493 summer campers and three church retreats. Over the course of ten weeks, 761 lives and souls were impacted through God’s Word and meaningful relationships! There were twenty-eight children and teens who were saved from their sins and started their relationship with Jesus. Throughout the course of the summer, we had over 160 decisions that our campers made wanting to live their lives more pleasingly and closely connected to their Lord and Savior!
As the summer fades, fall has arrived in full color. We continue to keep busy during this beautiful season. We will be ministering to eight churches as they hold their weekend retreats here at Camp K. We will end the 2020 year serving over one hundred churches. We are reminded that while this may be a season of change, one thing remains constant, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever”(Hebrews 13:8). God has promised that He will continue “...to build His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18). We are so thankful here at Camp K to be open and running; however, this year has been very hard financially. Camp K was down 35% in summer camp registrations and 50% in church and group retreats. Three friends of the ministry approached us and combined their resources as a matching gift opportunity to inspire people who have never given a financial gift to Camp K before! The matching gift is $10,000 dollars. Right now any gift you give will be doubled. There has never been a better time to start supporting Camp K with any amount you give being matched, which will help Camp Kanesatake finish 2020 strong. You can give safely and securely online at www.mycampk.com or you can send your gift to PO Box 11, Spruce Creek, PA 16683. Thank you for helping us reach this goal! We are so excited to have you become a new prayer and financial partner here in 2020!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Seth Hoffman Executive Director, Camp Kanesatake
PS. You can give quickly and safely online at www.mycampk.com or send your gift to P.O. Box 11, Spruce Creek, PA 16683